Hyrox Chicago: Race Recap

We did it!!

I had so much fun, worked my ass off, and loved the challenge of training for/doing something completely new! Hated the burpees and legs were DEAD by the time I got to the lunges, but got so much energy from passing hella people on the runs.

Time: 1:16.31
50th overall female
8th place in my AG

Don’t know what a Hyrox is? Check out my recap video here.

Thank you all for being part of this journey with me!! Hope this inspires YOU to try something totally new and challenging. If it’s a Hyrox, then I encourge you to check out my 8-Week Hyrox Training Program. I documented all of my training and created this program based on my own personal plan.

One question I’m getting asked a lot is “are you going to do another one?” Here’s my honest review:

  • I LOVED the training. I loved the mix of running, strength, and endurance and also loved the challenge/thrill of doing something new. It felt fresh, which is what I had been needing!

  • It’s expensive — about the same or a bit more than a marathon ($150 + processing fees). While this is typical for a race, races usually give you swag and a medal. Hyrox gives you a patch.

  • Overall, the organization felt (at times) chaotic and disorganized. We didn’t find out what our start times were until the week before. 🤯 There was no flexibility in changing your times once you got them. 10 hours between me D honestly made for a very exhausting, long day, not to mention competing at 5:30 PM. The registration line the night before was over an hour wait (thank god we went the morning of!).

  • I would have loved if it could have been outside! It felt odd running inside a giant room with no windows. Not to mention running on concrete. 🫠

  • Am I glad I did it? 100000%!!! It was truly so fun, inspiring, and electric to experience.

  • Would I do another one? Yes, BUT. Only if I didn’t have to travel far for it, which would give me the option to go home between start times if needed, spend less money overall on parking, flights, etc. I also think if I did another one, I think it would be fun to do doubles vs. the single division… but if you do doubles, I recommend being partners with someone who is a similar pace in running since you do all the running together.

If you’re on the fence, I’d say do it! You won’t regret it. While Hyrox may not replace my love for running races, I am so glad I did it. I learned so much in the process, and that makes it completely worth it to me!

Hit me up if you have any other questions, if you agree, if you disagree, or if you are on the fence!!